Camping season draws to a close.

Last weekend, I helped my grandfather weatherize his summer trailer in Andover, NJ. I was amazed to see so many huge acorns. The chipmunks were thriving, and getting ready for winter too. I was throwing the acorns up towards the hill, and it made me want to play some baseball. Speaking of baseball, last night’s game was AMAZING!

Well, here are some creatures I encountered. Once again I forgot to take photos of the cuddly kind, but oh well.


This little cicada had sadly perished at some point, and I found him on the ground while raking leaves. Cicadas always remind me of my brother, and summers in Japan. He would collect the molted shells, and I would do the whole girly routine of yelling “Ewwwww.”         Though now I’m very much fascinated by them.


Here’s a Shield bug or the stink bug, which I had to look up to find out what it was. I’m glad I used a stick to pick it up, since it defends itself accordingly.


The first creature I spotted once I got out of the car. His camouflage ability doesn’t help him much when we are walking around all over the place. He hopped away to safety with a little encouragement.


Morning dew is just so pretty!

Happy autumn everyone!

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